
What Is Voice Search and How Does It Affect Your SEO?

What Is Voice Search and How Does It Affect Your SEO?

Voice search has been a hot debate topic for a couple of years now. For companies who always want to stay on top of search engine result pages, it is important to stay tuned with the voice search. Google voice search has become a major concern for everyone who is in the game of getting higher online visibility. You will come know to amazing facts about voice search from this blog. The most asked question ‘What is voice search and how it can help you in SEO?’ will be answered in this blog. So keep reading this blog:

What is Voice Search SEO?

As the name implies, voice search indicates the query that can be answered through spoken command rather than a written prompt. The Voice search technique was introduced in 2011 and went mainstream with the invention of Siri for Apple products. The most common voice search systems are Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon’s Alexa.

Voice search works through the automatic speech recognition system (ASR) to convert voice signals into text. Voice recognition technology enables smart device users to get quick answers by using their voices. The voice search technology will then transform spoken words into text.

How does Voice Search Work?

Many of you may think that voice search is so simple, but in reality, it is complex. The functionality behind the voice search might not be understandable by the layman. However, having a basic understanding of voice search will help digital marketers and SEO experts to make their searches voice search-friendly.

Any time a voice search query is used by users, a voice search assistant will:

  • Filter the voice or sounds to ensure it focuses on the voice query and filter it or separate it from the background voices.
  • The voice search query digitization, which means, it converts the sound waves into digital data.
  • Voice analysis is conducted by processing digital data.
  • Connection with external data sources, such as Google Search to get and provide the relevant answer.
  • Satisfy the searchers’ intent by translating the information.
  • Recognition of pattern and comparison of the query against existing samples in the database.

How does Voice Search Affect Your SEO?

Voice search is different from the text that users enter in the search bar to search for something. People don’t speak the way they enter the query. It means that SEO experts have to consider voice search as a different thing and make robust SEO strategies to target voice-searched queries. People mostly ask questions rather than using simple terms. They consider asking ‘where can I buy the best leather handbag’ rather than writing ‘leather handbag’ in the search bar.

It simply means you need to use conversational queries. People search for an answer using their voices as they are talking to another person. Hence, you need to make a few changes in your SEO plans for voice search.

What are Voice Search Benefits in SEO?

Let’s take a look at the benefits of voice search in SEO:

  • Increased Website Traffic

To increase website traffic, you need your customers to find you easily. Voice search optimization helps your website to be located and rank higher in the search engines. As a result, it will help improve your website traffic. If your website is giving the exact answer that people are looking for through voice search, then it will gain customers’ trust as well.

  • Create Brand Awareness

Many of you may be curious to know the answer to ‘how voice search can help you in SEO’ right? Well, a voice search-optimized website is more likely to appear on the first page of results for any voice search query. When you successfully build a positive impression to offer the exact answer to their questions, you can easily attract more users and create brand visibility.

  • Instant Answers

Unlike traditional web searching, where people have to open a search engine, enter their query and wait for the answers to be loaded, voice search has made everything easy. With voice search, you don’t need to enter queries. You can search for anything through your voice and can get instant answers.

How to Optimize a Website for Voice Search?

The following are a few tips that you can follow to optimize your website for voice search:

  • Target long-tail and question keywords

Voice search queries are wordy as compared to text searches. To optimize your website for voice search, you need to target question keywords as well as long-tail keywords. By doing this, you can grab more customers’ attention. If you don’t know how to target these types of keywords, you can seek help from the best SEO Company in Melbourne.

  • Use conversational language in the content

If you want to make your website voice search friendly, then it is important to use conversational language in your content. You can use conversational words like I, me, you, and we in blog posts.

  • Give preference to your local SEO

To improve the visibility of your local business, it is important to prioritize your local SEO. One of the most important methods to improve local SEO is by creating and maintaining a Google Business profile.

  • Optimize for Mobile

Did you know that over half of internet traffic is generated by mobile devices? If that’s not enough to convince you that optimization for mobile is important, then consider that approximately 27% of mobile users use voice search on their phones. According to Google, the mobile user experience is important for a good website and ranking.


Voice search has evolved over the past few years and become a major part of the SEO world. Brands must consider voice search as a prominent part of their business growth. To get a voice search-optimized website, you need SEO professionals who know how to make your website voice search friendly. You can also contact Nimble Technocrats as a Best IT Company in Jalandhar for the best SEO plans for voice searches.
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